
May 5th/Mayo 5to

This past week, we had the pleasure and honor of recognizing three people in our parish and school community. Cecilia (Hee Zoo Kim) became aware of a need within our parish when our previous Pastor, Father Richard Bennett, mentioned the need and desire to illuminate our bell tower. Cecilia heard the need and responded; before long, a cherry picker and a crane were being mobilized to make it a reality. Because of her kindness and generosity, we can now look to the horizon on any given night from almost anywhere in the City of Philadelphia and catch a glimpse of the place many of us call home. This past week, Father Jack Kingsbury, our Shrine Director, and I thanked Cecilia for her generous gift after 12:15 PM with a blessing, word of thanks, and a plaque marking her kindness and generosity. Then Jannine Malave, Farther Jack, Cecilia, and I went to the kitchen for homemade cookies and coffee, freshly baked for this special occasion by Shicaira Walker, our cook and member of our parish family.

On that same day in the evening of Thursday, April 25th St. Peter the Apostle School honored Shakirra Clark and Jowell Perez-Pagan the 2024 Leaders and Achievers Award recipients. The Leaders and Achievers Awards at St. Peters honor Shakirra Clark as a leader in the community and Jowell Perez- Pagan as this year’s student achiever. We are happy to celebrate them and are grateful for all Shakirra and Jowell do for St. Peter the Apostle School and our community. A heartfelt thank you to all who came to support the event. It was an evening filled with friends, food, music, and dancing. A special thanks to Teresa Przybylski who organized this event and made it what it became an event that no one will soon forget. Teresa, we thank you for sharing your talents and creative gifts with the community. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!
Fr. Mike